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Hidden Jewel Collection now LIVE! | Free Shipping On Orders Over $200 AUD & Discounted WorldWide shipping | AfterPay
Hidden Jewel Collection now LIVE! | Free Shipping On Orders Over $200 AUD & Discounted WorldWide shipping | AfterPay


'Womens Empowerment in Indian Villages'

KOKOPILLI now donates $5 from every purchase to WEIV
KOKOPILLI is steeped in the path of beauty and joy as a way to cultivate and spread love across this Earth in it's humble little way. We also recognise a responsibility to use our privilege as a bridge to those who are oppressed and lack the opportunities so graciously bestowed upon us in the Western world through no merit of our own. This dawning responsibility is also our heartfelt calling at Kokopilli~ we wish to empower, celebrate and liberate the feminine and all women & children in whichever context we can serve. I've spent the time since Kokopilli was born cultivating the ground to be able to support this vision, and I can now excitedly share with you that the first steps of fruition are here.


Vision:  A society without poverty, illiteracy, sickness, child labour or gender and social inequality.

Mission:  To empower women within the community by making them aware of their basic rights and providing basic education, health security, leading to gender and social equality and livelihood security.

Here are the current issues WEIV are reforming through their projects:

Reproductive and Child Health, contraceptive awareness, pre-natal guidance, maternal health and well-being, empowering young, married couples to delay and space their pregnancies, equipping unmarried adolescents with appropriate information regarding sexual health and marriageable age, and to bring about improved action, demand and access to reproductive health services, WEIV has opened 8 Literacy Centres for illiterate adolescent girls aged 13 to 18 years who are not in the education system because their families need them for domestic work (they come from the poorest families and no fees are charged).
With each Kokopilli jewel purchased by YOU we thank you deeply. Here is how far each contribution goes:
  • Weekly wage for a Literacy Teacher (all staff are Indian) $20
  • Literacy Education for one Dalit/Untouchable Girl - Per month $3.64
  • Access to one Health Awareness Session (safe practices to reduce infant mortality rates) for 25 women $5.75
  • Give Access to one Health Awareness Session (advised on their rights around child marriage & consent and reproductive and sexual health) for 15 girls $3.11
  • Access to one Information Session for Expectant Mothers & those who have recently given birth (reducing morbidity rate for baby and mother through info on Nutrition & Safe delivery)- Access for 10 mothers $4.60.
  • Access to one Health Awareness Session for all women of child bearing age (family planning strategies, contraception, importance of educating female children) - Access for 25 women $5.75
  • Give Access to one Awareness Raising Session for adolescent boys (helping young men to respect and value women in their society, valuing themselves, contraception, diseases, negative impacts of child marriage) -Access for 15 boys $3.11

May all beings be well

May all beings be happy

May all beings be safe and free from harm

May all beings be free